Labels:bulletin board | cabinet | earth | fence | grass | lodestone | person | reckoner | sand | sky | vegetarianism | water OCR: abedefghejklnuopgrstuexye OEFC KZMNOpaR Stuouoxyz 0123456789 1@#S%^a*() +=>,< [] ",/? 12 The geick nfex ng 67 h07ay tM5 18 The geick botn fox jernos ever the Lazy deg 24 The geick brown fox jumps over the Lary dog. the guick brounfox jumps over the lary dog. the guick brown fox jumps over the lary dogy. the guick brown fox jumys cver the guick brown fox jumps stuuoxyz brotn jutrgos junps larry doey juumps